Achievements, Musings

100th Ramble – 100 Things I Love

Believe it or not this is my 100th blog post. I have written 100 of these things, that are now floating around the internet. That’s quite scary to think about actually. I’ve written way more in my head, and there’s a stack of them in my notes app. But not everything reads as well to a stranger as it does in my mind!

I can’t believe I’ve actually written and published 99 posts already, and what’s weirder is that quite possibly some of you have read every single one of my ramblings. And have stuck around!

I thought why not celebrate all my ramblings by me not rambling too much. 

Here’s a little something to get to know me more, whether you’re a lifer or a newbie. 

An image link to pin. Looking up through the trees. Title text overtop.
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100 Things I Love

  1. A cup of tea. It has to be. 
  2. Even better in a china cup. 
  3. The sunshine. 
  4. When a restaurant or venue has a secret ramp or lift and I can access somewhere I never thought I could. 
  5. Festivals. 
  6. Cosy, baggy jumpers. 
  7. Crochet. It’s my go to craft right now.Crochet instructions with yarn and the beginnings of my crochet placed on top.
  8. Breakfast for dinner. Be it a bowl of cereal or a grill up, I love having breakfast food later in the day. 
  9. Cats. 
  10. Family. (There is no order of priority to this list).
  11. Getting in the writing zone. 
  12. Looking out to sea and feeling tiny. 
  13. A soggy fast food burger when the craving hits. 
  14. Skipping the adverts in tv shows. 
  15. Finding a pen that writes just right. 
  16. Being immersed in a film at the cinema. 
  17. Looking at old photos. Especially the hilariously retro ones. A photo of me aged around 11 years old. I am in my wheelchair and have frizzy hair!Me aged around 4 in a yellow ABC sweatshirt.
  18. Buying and eating a supermarket meal deal. 
  19. Marmite. 
  20. Being tattooed. I need more. 
  21. Afternoon tea. Duh. 
  22. You crazy folk reading this. 
  23. Blankets. Layers of them. 
  24. Driving up to a table in a restaurant and fitting just right. 
  25. Nail polish. I hoard it. 
  26. Skinny decaf lattes in as many flavours as possible. 
  27. My wheelchair. I need a new one but I don’t want one. 
  28. Thunderstorms. Mostly the lightening. 
  29. Candlelight. 
  30. Booking gigs and trips. Things to look forward to. 
  31. Finding a parking space.
  32. Craft materials. Too much stuff and too little time. 
  33. Discovering new places in my hometown. 
  34. Random chats with friends about nothing. 
  35. Chats with friends about everything.
  36. Hearing a song I loved as a teen. 
  37. People watching. 
  38. Live music. Big and small. 
  39. Laughing so much it hurts.
  40. Live comedy. 
  41. Mustard. The colour and the condiment. 
  42. A clear night sky full of stars. 
  43. Library lending ebooks. 
  44. The smell of a library. 
  45. The touch of a crisp new book. 
  46. Light flickering through the window as you drive past trees. 
  47. Writing things on a list just so I can tick them off. A fake sense of accomplishment. 
  48. Actual accomplishment. 
  49. Miniature things. 
  50. Being woken by the sun. 
  51. The Haunting of Hill House. 
  52. A solid day of reading a new book. 
  53. That we just gained a whole hour by turning the clocks back. Why don’t we do that more often (I know, the sun doesn’t understand). 
  54. Wheeling through puddles.
  55. Sitting in a cafe with nothing to do. 
  56. Getting to the pharmacy to find they have my whole prescription ready and waiting. 
  57. Pyjamas that have seen better days. 
  58. Watching telly in bed. 
  59. More than four hours of solid sleep. 
  60. Listening to rain thrashing the windows. 
  61. Discovering accessibility features on my IPhone and MacBook. 
  62. Pumpkin soup. 
  63. When somebody says just what I’m thinking. 
  64. Eccentricity. 
  65. Cookies that are really gooey.
  66. Photos of trees.Looking up through trees you can see sky and sunlight coming through the leaves.
  67. And trees themselves. 
  68. Indian food. 
  69. A child’s honesty. 
  70. Chocolate. The darker the better. 
  71. A good head massage. 
  72. Friends sending memes that make me laugh-cry. 
  73. People that speak to me and not the chair (or my friend/PA). 
  74. Seeing that last stamp going on a reward card to realise my next coffee is free. 
  75. Coming home to be welcomed by waiting cats. 
  76. Smooth pavements. 
  77. Creative urges. 
  78. Hot donuts. 
  79. As many fillings in one sandwich as possible. 
  80. Longs straight roads with no other human in sight. 
  81. Receiving cards by post. 
  82. Craft fayres, markets and fetes. 
  83. Center Parcs funding mobility aids (there’ll be more on that in December). 
  84. Waking up to inches deep snow. 
  85. That crunching, cracking and creaking sound when I wheel through snow. 
  86. Brunch dates with friends.
  87. Book hangovers. 
  88. Being perfectly comfortable. 
  89. Christmas films. At Christmas. 
  90. Plastic straws. Why do they have to be so bad for the world. Sort it out. 
  91. Keepsakes. 
  92. Banter with my nieces. 
  93. Dark clouds at dusk. A landscape photograph taken at dusk. The sky is getting dark with highlights of yellow. There are dark clouds and silhouettes of trees.
  94. Hot and cold foods together. 
  95. Chocolate coated salty pretzels. 
  96. Catching up with friends I haven’t seen in too long. 
  97. Starting a new project. 
  98. Daydreaming. 
  99. This Is Us. 
  100. The community of blogging. 

What do you love right now?

56 thoughts on “100th Ramble – 100 Things I Love”

  1. Awesome list, and of course love that tea is #1 where of course it should be. I love a lot of the same things, would add travel, especially sailing and dogs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s the only place for it really! I have 4 cats, so am a little biased. I’m a dog person for a bit, until they get too excitable. Cats are much more relatable to my personality 😂


      1. Fair enough, I always had cats growing up but have grown to love the loyalty of dogs. Hope you are enjoying a cup of tea ☕

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Heyy even my latest post is 100th post on my blogging site. You gave me an amazing idea. From your list, I love most of the things. Happy 100th Post. Stay safe:)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I haven’t been to the cinema this year, and it’s not looking very likely here now for a while as everything is closed and lockdown is imminent. Making the most of my craft materials thought.
      Stay safe friend.


  3. Ahh, nice milestone reached Gemma, well done. Mrs Bryntin is a great crochet fan at the moment, everyone she knows has something that is made by her, whether they like it or not. And they already have the hats and gloves she knitted.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. ‘Whether they like it or not’ I love that! It’s probably the same for most of my friends and family, they’ll be thinking ‘I wonder what random handmade gift I receive this year’!


  4. That’s amazing, congrats Gemma! I’ve no idea how many I’ve written so maybe I should find out.
    I love the idea of the 100 things you love list, what lovely way to celebrate the milestone. Gooey cookies would be near the top of my list though 😀
    Caz xx

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Ohhhhh i LOVE this post Gemma, and we are sisters from another mister! So many things you love I love too. At least half of your list! How good was Haunting of Hill House! Well done for 100 posts lovely, I think I have been around for most, and plan on staying for more xx

    Liked by 1 person

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