Achievements, Musings, Uncategorized

Nominated for the Liebster Award 2017!

Firstly just the fact that my blog has been read by people other than my friends, people that haven’t been nagged to read it, is unthinkable. But that I have been chosen from the thousands of bloggers out there as a nominee for an award is mind boggling! I have been nominated by Belle and Steph at Hautepursuitss for the Liebster award, an online award created with an aim to promote and recognise new bloggers. I’d like to thank them for their nomination, you can check out their greatness here.

If you have been nominated or want to know more about the Liebster award, it’s origin and rules please look here

My answers to the 10 questions I was given by Hautepursuitss.

1. What is the proudest moment or greatest achievement of your life so far?

My greatest achievement is completing both BA Degree and MA Degrees in Arts.

2. Out of all the places you have visited which place would you travel to again?

If we are asking about countries I would say Ireland. However one my favourite places on earth (that I’ve been to) is Latitude Festival.

3. Sweet or salty food?

I can’t choose. Don’t make me! I really really love cake, but sometimes all I want is a sausage roll!

4. How did you meet your best friend?

I don’t like the term best, they’re all great!

5. What is your favourite thing about traveling?

I find travelling quite a chore, I would love for teleportation to be invented! I love visiting new places and having new experiences, but wish the getting there was easier.

6. Mention the top 3 things on your bucket list.

  • Visit Florence in Italy (when I learn to teleport!).
  • Go to Glastonbury festival.
  • Have a very white Christmas. I realise this is out of my control unless I travel to somewhere snowy… I do kind of like the idea of Christmas in a log cabin with a fire and hot chocolate. 

7. Who has been the biggest influence in your life? and why?

I believe that everybody you meet, however insignificant you think they are, influence your life in some way. Read the novel ‘The Five People You Meet In Heaven’ by Mitch Albom. 

8. Do you consider yourself a morning person or a night owl?
Can I say neither? I’m definitely not a morning person. Although always up early I need at least an hour and two cups of tea before I go anywhere or do anything. I think in another life (and my younger years) I would be a night owl, but routine, restrictions and age are against me.

9. What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?
I’m not know for my spontaneity. I’m known for my planning.

10. What do you feel people take for granted the most?
Kindness. Is there anything easier, more rewarding or uplifting? ‘It takes guts to be gentle and kind’ – The Smiths. Oh and having a wee!

10 random facts about me

1. I love tea

2. I had an electric wheelchair at age 3. Yes the door frames suffered!

3. I have had 8 tattoos and 7 piercings.

4. I love Disney

5. I’ve been working on the same cross stitch for over 2 years. I never give up!

6. I like sun or snow and not those grey days in between 

7. I have 9,422 photos on my phone (at the time of posting this) most of which I’m sure are screenshots of things I need to remember. My camera is like my shopping list, memo and diary all in one.

8. I have 2 cats that think they are humans.

9. I like the thrill of scary films, rides, heights and anything that makes your stomach flip.

10. I don’t like things that match, especially pyjamas and bed linen.

My Nominees

1. Elizabetteunplugged

2. Mymedicalmysterymusings

3. Chaircraze

4. Hannahelizasite

5. Bookhookednook

6. Fancypaperblog

7. Thewanderingdarlings

8. Jazminheavenblog

9. Wheelzandwearingheelz

10. Thatfeelinginside

10 questions for my nominees

1. What made you decide to blog?

2. What is your biggest strength?

3. What is your biggest weakness?

4. Tea or coffee?

5. Where in the world would you like to be right now?

6. What’s your favourite type of cake?

7. What is your favourite season and why?

8. What makes you laugh out loud?

9. When is your favourite time of day?

10. Do you have a quote or motto you would pass on to others?
I’d love to hear everyone’s answers to my questions. Even if you haven’t been nominated leave your replies in the comments!

11 thoughts on “Nominated for the Liebster Award 2017!”

  1. Congratulations 🎉
    “7. I have 9,422 photos on my phone (at the time of posting this) most of which I’m sure are screenshots of things I need to remember. My camera is like my shopping list, memo and diary all in one.” – we must be related 😁😁😁

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 1. What made you decide to blog?

      I would love to do a blog however grammar and sentence structure is not one of my strong points.

      2. What is your biggest strength?

      My positivity is my strongest strength

      3. What is your biggest weakness?

      My love of food!! (never gonna be thin)

      4. Tea or coffee?

      I’m not really a big fan of either, however I would say tea as I like flavours tea like lemon.

      5. Where in the world would you like to be right now?

      Disney land, Florida or in the Bahamas where I’m drinking cocktails out of a pineapple or coconut with a sparkler and unmbela.

      6. What’s your favourite type of cake?

      Cake is cake 😍

      7. What is your favourite season and why?

      My favroute season is summer because I love being able to go on picnics and walks .

      8. What makes you laugh out loud?

      When my sister Hannah is laughing at my expense

      9. When is your favourite time of day?

      Home time

      10. Do you have a quote or motto you would pass on to others?

      Never judge a book by its cover

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for taking part Morwenna! Don’t let grammar stop you from blogging, there are so many forms of blogging! I like the sound of cocktails in a coconut 🌴


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