
If We Were Having Coffee – Life Musing #7

If we were having coffee it would probably be in a garden. I’ve been doing a bit of that lately. What will happen when winter hits?

I’m still shielding, or as close to shielding is possible when you rely on close contact with others to stay alive.

Isn’t it ironic…. those that actually want to keep their distance can’t, but those that can don’t.

Some think I’m crazy, obsessed even. That I don’t want to get back to normal yet, socialise, eat out and the like. But I’ve got my little gang of friends that feel the same. It helps.

If we were having coffee I’d explain that It’s not that I don’t want to get on with life. Of course I do. I’m not enjoying the pandemic any more than the next person. But I’m ok to wait, ride it out. Restrictions on life aren’t new to me. Yes, this is pretty restrictive, but when you’ve been close to not being alive it makes you not take health for granted. It’s not a given.

Just a few months ago I was told I’m at ‘extremely high risk of serious illness‘ to ‘stay inside and have a hospital bag packed’, and now I’m just here, doing what I think I should.

If we were having coffee I’d tell you I’m becoming great at wasting time. There was the new Apple IOS update that took me at least 3 days to play with. I love a bit of customisation and a home screen overhaul. I’ve kept those pesky social media apps away from easy glances, but found a new addiction with Jigsaw HD. Yes I’m a 73 year old and always have been.

If we were having coffee I’d explain that the great thing about technology is it’s accessibility. With only my phone and without asking for assistance I can write a blog post, read a book, do a crossword, colour a picture, and now complete a jigsaw. It’s not the same as physical life and touching actual stuff that’s not a screen. But it’s something, and it’s more than I could have.

If we were having coffee I’d ask you how I ever really had time for a social life, I’m good at finding stuff to do, reading, crafting, watching the telly box.

If we were having coffee I’d ask if you’ve completed Netflix yet? I’ve got to the level where everything becomes dubbed. I have to half watch it, like blur my eyes slightly or look into the distance when the mouth close-ups are on, so I don’t get distracted.

Sometimes subtitles are better but sometimes I don’t have the focus for them. I’ve said before I’m a fiddler and not very good at doing nothing. Even when watching tv.

If we were having coffee we’d be sure to talk about the weather. It’s been a fortunate year weather wise. It’s like somebody somewhere knew we needed it. If I believed in that kinda thing.

Autumn is here. I’m back on the candles. That’s a sign. It’s like summer just ditched us overnight. I went from sunburn Tuesday to frostbite Wednesday. Ok so maybe not frostbite, but multiple blankets and I can hear the heated one calling. I found crispy leaves on my walk the other day, not enough to drive through though.

An old stone wall at an angle to the left, and a pavement following it is scattered with dry crusty leaves in oranges and browns.

If we were having coffee I’d backtrack to where I said it would be in a garden. 2020, the year of the garden. Among other stuff.

I’ve been to more gardens then ever before, and had more people in mine.

At the last one we had a mega picnic with a table full of food and a hand gel centrepiece. That’s one thing my friends and I are good at, supplying the food.

A black glass garden table with parasol pole is scattered with paper plates and packets of food including sausage rolls, quiche and cups of drink.

I had a Starbucks, or three. On separate occasions. All without leaving my house. Well, garden.

Three photos of various Starbucks drinks. The first photo is me in the garden in my wheelchair holding a takeaway iced coffee. The second photo is of a Starbucks clear cup filled with bright red liquid on a table in the garden, a friend can be seen blurred in the distance. The third photo is of a clear Starbucks cup containing iced coffee standing on a wooden windowsill.

If we were having coffee I’d show you photos of my tomatoes. Photos you’ve probably already seen on Instagram. We’ve been growing tomatoes, did you know?

A close up photo of one tomato plant growing 50 to 60 tomatoes ranging through green, orange to bright red.

They started as six small plants and turned into a small industry. Taking over the garden, sprouting off in all directions like some kind of stalk man plant thing. They really take some looking after you know. Feeding, watering, pruning, tying up, restraining.

Many came at once. Like most things, buses, library loans and tomatoes the saying should go.

I’ve eaten them with everything, they’ve been squished into pasta sauce, macerated to soup and boiled to the brink in chilli jam.

One even turned unicorn on me.

One tomato standing on a wooden windowsill. The tomato is bright red and has a horn shape sprouting at the top by the green stalk.

If we were having coffee the conversation might get adult. I don’t know if my group of friends and I have just got old, or times are desperate lately. But we had a full 2 hour chat spurred on by this statement.

One of the weirdest things about being an adult is having a favourite hob ring, yet nobody talks about it.

Well we did. And oven cleaners, antibacterial spray, favourite fragrances and annoying people that don’t wipe out the microwave.

Do you wipe out the microwave? Do you have a favourite hob ring?

If we were having coffee I’d tell you I’m ahead on my Goodreads reading challenge for the first time ever. Probably because it’s still all I want to do.

Come find me on Goodreads so we can be book pals.

I’ve read quite a mix of late. I just finished Instructions For A Heatwave by Maggie O’Farrell, it’s set in a heatwave but not really about one. To fullfill my easy read thriller craving I binged on The Magpie Trillogy by Sarah A. Denzil. Nothing challenging but hugely entertaining. Grown Ups was my first Marian Keyes read and I will be reading more when I need the feels. I even listened to The Secret Garden audiobook, written but not narrated by Frances Hodgson Burnett, because I promised myself over a year ago when visiting this rose garden that I’d rediscover this childhood favourite.

What have you been reading lately?

If we were having coffee I’d show you this quote. Which is definitely the case with me.

Pale pink background with black text that reads - Your brain does more creative work when you’re tired.

Your brain does more creative work when you’re tired.

If we were having coffee what would you tell me?

An image to pin. A glass mug filled with dark liquid. Title text places over reads - If We Were Having Coffee - Life Musing #7

34 thoughts on “If We Were Having Coffee – Life Musing #7”

  1. I can definitely relate to that. I even went in search of other people who are still shielding online, because it feels like everyone else is getting back to pre-pandemic normal and many don’t understand why we are not.
    Your unicorn tomato made me chuckle!
    Favourite hob ring = front left – I’m left-handed and you don’t have to reach so far. It’s also one of the bigger ones!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Did you find many still shielding? I do feel we are slowly become more alone in all this. Whereas in the beginning I felt considered and supported more. By the bigger in charge people, but also by my peers. I also worry that the shielding will be for nothing, so the more I stick to it, the more I need to. If that makes sense?


      1. Yes, it does make sense. I have a very “all or nothing” personality at the best of times, and now as so many people are following the rules that suit them, it makes me even more vigilant somehow.

        I joined 2 shielding groups on Facebook and have found a lot of people still shielding there. There are some discussions resulting from people doing slightly different things, but overall they are very supportive, and it feels good to look in there sometimes and see we’re not the only people still doing it! I can send you the details if you’re interested – one of them also has a sub-group, which is a book club.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I similar actually as in the all or nothing personality. I’m very stubborn too, and hate to be seen as a quitter. Which is probably keeping me going right now.

        Oh yes that would be great if you can send me the links sometime please, to the sub group book club too. It’s good to see what others are doing and confirm you’re not going out of your mind.


  2. I love your garden pics, missing mine terribly. Although I guess you could say the world is my garden at the moment. Well Turkey anyway. I like these ‘if we were having a coffee’ posts… Just wonder if I could swap it for tea?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. hey! I’m one of your silent readers, because I don’t remember ever commenting but enjoying your posts anyway!
    if we were having coffy I’d tell you that I absolutely love this ‘if we were having coffy life musing’ concept. I’d also tell you that being blind I really love your ALT texts in images and am glad to see them. I’d tell you may be you can try them on Instagram and other social media so that I can enjoy your photos on Instagram and on other social media platforms when I come there 🙂
    cases are still rising in India and my school is not open so I haven’t gone out since so long. I’m actually scared to go out so that’s okay I think. also I thought 2020 will be another good year for me in terms of reading books but thanks to it being the last year of my school grade 12, I could read just 1 book that too seems like ages ago.
    thank you so much for making your images accessible. people do it so rarely that it makes me so happy whenever they do.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, good to ‘meet’ you!
      I’m glad you can understand and make use of my ALT text descriptions. I have to confess I only learned of them the past year and felt terrible. When I promote access, and my blog wasn’t fully accessible by others. We only know what we learn though so I’m glad to be informed. I will take a look at Facebook and Instagram.
      I’m sorry you haven’t been able to read many books. Do you have access to any online?


  4. “…when you’ve been close to not being alive it makes you not take health for granted. It’s not a given.” That’s something that really does change our perspective so deeply. I’m feeling the same with waiting it out. Of course I want things to go back to ‘normal’, but only when the virus is actually over. I don’t want more people getting sick and dying, especially not so people can go out and have fun, have beers with their mates and go sunning themselves on holiday. I don’t think that’s a fair trade-off. One person’s fun for another person’s life.

    I haven’t played around with my iPhone in ages. I seem to be accruing apps now like I hoard mugs in the kitchen cupboard. It could do with a clear out. That is, if my hands aren’t frozen by then. Summer really did ditch us very rudely. I’m bloody freezing. Four jumpers and my dressing gown are making it hard to move let alone work and type, and that’s indoors. I often wonder how I’ll survive the winter when it comes around and I struggle with it so much when it’s only September.

    I’ve wondered about getting takeaway drinks for my folks. I figured I’d get a Starbucks hot chocolate or a Nero choc frappe then decant them into other glasses, but I’m not sure if the liquids are 100% safe. What if someone’s breathed over them while they were making them? Am I going crazy?

    I love that unicorn tomato. I’ve never, even seen anything like that! Have you contacted the Guinness Book of World Records yet for the longest Tomato horn?


    1. You’re not the only one going crazy, don’t fear. I’ve stressed over things for ages considering the risks. I’d say a hot drink is way safer than a cold one, and decanting is a good plan. It was nice to have a treat.

      So many take their health and others. I think you’ve said it well, it’s not a fair trade off at all, but unfortunately I don’t think everyone considers that their choices may affect others. That them having fun could well have a domino effect and ruin another’s life.

      Ha, I hoard mugs too. And half used candles, and cool containers!


  5. If we were having coffee, I would say bravo to you for your resilience, positive energy amid this deadly pandemic, and never-ending creativity…My wife just had a 108 year old woman on her TV show…this woman survived the Swine Flu in 1918, and recently recovered from Covid-19 as well – now that’s resilience! Oh, and when asked if she avoids any sort of food or dink she just laughed – she enjoys everything, so bravo to her for that as well!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh wow, she sounds like some lady!! She’s certainly doing something right, and if that’s a bit of everything then go her.
      I’m extremely stubborn, maybe too much so sometimes, but I think that’s helped with the staying in and getting on with it. Once my mind is set I’m no quitter.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. That makes me happy that you’ve discovered Marian Keyes she’s a lovely writer I’ve read a lot of her books. I’m ahead on my Goodreads challenge too – completed it mate. I’m working from home and on the rare occasion I finish with a wee bit of time to spare before doing the nursery pick up dash I’ve been reading and it’s been wonderful. It’s really lovely to see you so focused on the positives. Of course it’s really hard and I bet like everyone else you’re missing being able to go out and about and seeing people like we used to be able to do. We’re in a local lockdown here so we aren’t seeing anyone else inside or out which is hard thank goodness for FaceTime!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I don’t know what we would have done without FaceTime and other technology!
      I’m glad to have discovered Marian Keyes and will definitely be reading more, was a nice change to what I often go for. It was a book club pick, I’m part of a small online book club, which is great for getting new reads.
      It’s good to have a bit of quiet time with a book isn’t it? I’m glad you’re managing to squeeze it in with all the busyness of being a Mum.


  7. It must be so tough, sheilding, for this long, Gemma.
    I find it so hard to see see people who don’t have a care in the world, where I worry every day I step into school with no mask or PPE, because apparently we’re safe. Safe with the kids who are responsible for cases rising since school started.
    Worried for my own two who go into secondary school, trying to distance, but around some kids who just don’t care.
    I’m way ahead with my Goodreads, too, reached my target, in fact. but since school started, I’m drastically slower, so that’s a good thing!
    Take care, lovely 💜

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I feel for you Ritu, having to work with many children who I imagine struggle with the term social distance and equipped with no PPE, when in your non work life the rules are so different! I’m nervous to even see my nieces now they’re back at school.
      The shielding is tough, but I’m doing ok and know it’s what I need to do. Going out isn’t for me just yet.
      It is so frustrating seeing people getting back to normal, too normal in my opinion, and risking others along the way. But who are we to know what’s best 🤷🏻‍♀️
      You take care too 🧡


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