
The Vote Is On – Bloggers Bash Awards

So it seems my ramblings are up for an award! Shocking right?

Thank you to whoever nominated me, I’m (almost) totally speechless.

i know it’s anonymous and all that but if you tell me who you are I’ll buy you a massive slice of cake!

I’m not very good at this kinda thing. Taking compliments or talking about myself. So for those of you new to Wheelescapades here is a little ‘blog in review’ for you to learn more about me.

For those of you who have supported me from the start, and the ones I’ve gained along the way, I appreciate you all and I invite you all to grab a brew and even dunk a few biscuits while we look back on the past 18 months.

Click any pink link to have a read

I started this little project ‘Wheelescapades’ just over 18 months ago, with nudges from friends to share my tales with the world.

I’ve been told I’m funny (and weird), but that’s just me. Life can be frustrating, a challenge, or just bloomin’ out to get you. Why not bring light to a situation, mock yourself (and others!), have a laugh.

Wheelescapades’ mission was to get disability out there a little more. To make it the norm. To get people thinking of accessibility. To see the behind the scenes, the tiny details. The funny side of getting around a festival site or not fitting in to a shop lift!

I also wanted to be informative to fellow wheelers, to review in a roundabout way, venues and events. To give a wheel-through guide to a restaurant, how accessible the ‘accessible’ toilet is, if the table is of a good height, how wide the doors really are.

I’ve created my own toilet rating system.

I’ve bared all.

I’ve ranted…


I’ve been a guest…


I’ve done research.

I’ve shared advice (kind of)

I’ve tried to start a hashtag!

And I’ve even visited a farm.

Let’s not forget my love of tea!

Looking back I’ve realised how much I’ve enjoyed this new venture and hobby. I basically started off just writing to myself though. The World Wide Web and all its clouds are so enormous and fluffy the chances of being spotted are pretty low. I’ve since discovered an amazing blogging community out there, and am honoured to be included in such a diverse list of incredible blogs written by some lovely bloggers.

Here’s my list of blog recommendations from the lists of nominees in various categories.

Gin and Lemonade

I’m Sick And So Are You

Fatty McCupcakes

Notebooks and Glasses

Global Housesitter

Losing The Plot

Fancy Paper Blog

The category I’m nominated in is ‘Hidden Gem’ and well my name is Gemma, I’m often called Gem. So… go get your vote on.

It’s simple, and anyone can vote.


49 thoughts on “The Vote Is On – Bloggers Bash Awards”

  1. I think your blog is awesome. I was thrilled to be a guest and am delighted but not even. Tiny bit surprised that you are up for an award, it’s totally deserved. Xxx

    Liked by 1 person

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